Understanding Different Types of Fasteners: Screws, Bolts, Nuts, and More

Ananka Group is one of the well known Fasteners manufacturers in India. We supply top-notch fasteners to several businesses worldwide. Right now, every size and grade is offered. Numerous objects can be joined or held together with the help of fasteners. They are vital parts of a lot of businesses, such as building, transportation, manufacturing, and household products. We are the best Fasteners Supplier in India and all over the world.

Stainless steel fasteners can be used to join or hold together a wide variety of objects. Our products are renowned for their exceptional robustness, quality, and dependability.

The unsung hero of daily living, building, and production is the fastener. These minuscule yet essential components come in a variety of forms and materials, each serving a specific purpose. We'll take a closer look at several fastener types in this blog post so you may better grasp their purposes and uses, including bolts, screws, nuts, and SS fasteners.

Types of Fasteners

  1. Stainless Steel Fasteners: 

Stainless steel fasteners are renowned for their resistance to corrosion. They are ideal for outdoor applications and environments where exposure to precipitation and inclement weather is common. Because they come in many shapes, including bolts, screws, nuts, and washers, stainless steel fasteners are a versatile choice for a wide range of applications.

  1. Bolts:

Bolts are threaded fasteners used to join two or more parts together. They are available in several varieties, such as U-bolts, carriage bolts, and eye bolts, and with a range of head shapes, including square, hex, and round heads. Bolts are commonly used in the automotive, industrial assembly, and construction industries.

  1. Nuts: 

Nuts function as threaded fasteners when paired with bolts or screws. Among other shapes, they come in hex, wing, and lock nut varieties. To ensure a strong and sturdy connection, nuts are required to hold the threaded fastener in place.

  1. Washers:

The flat, narrow disc in the centre of a washer is hollow. They are placed underneath nuts and bolts to evenly distribute pressure and prevent harm to the material being secured. There are several different kinds of washers, including lock, flat, and spring washers.

  1. Screws:

Bolts and screws are similar, even though screws are typically used to make threaded holes. There are many different types of screws available, such as wood, machine, self-tapping, and sheet metal screws. Screws are essential for things like securing objects to metal or wooden surfaces and getting a tight fit.

In conclusion, fasteners are a need in our daily lives, and being aware of their many varieties and applications can help ensure the longevity and success of a variety of jobs. When attaching household items, setting up machinery, or supplying building supplies, selecting the right fastener is crucial to creating a strong connection. 

Our team produces customised fasteners goods in accordance with customer specifications. Also, We are the leading Bolt Supplier in India, as well as Washer, Screw, and other fasteners

For more details: 

Product Source: Stainless Steel Fasteners manufacturer & Bolt Manufacturer in India


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