Understanding Fastener Types and Applications: A Basic Overview
Ananka Group is among the best Fasteners Manufacturer in India . Fasteners are an essential part of numerous industries, including manufacturing and construction. They keep components and structures together. To ensure the structural integrity and safety of buildings, it is crucial to understand the principles underlying the various types of fasteners that are available, each designed for a specific purpose. In this blog, we'll look at the basics of fasteners, including their types and applications. Types of Fasteners: Nuts: Hex bolts: These bolts are easily recognized by their hexagonal heads and full threads, and they are widely used in building and structural applications. Lock Nuts: Lock nuts are available in a variety of styles, including serrated and nylon-insert, and are made to withstand loosening from vibrations.. Washers: Flat Washers: Distributing the load and creating a smooth surface, flat washers are positioned beneath nuts or bolt heads. Spr...