Benefits of Stainless Steel Fasteners
What are Stainless Steel Fasteners? Stainless Steel Fasteners is most likely the material of choice for fasteners worldwide, and for good reason! Stainless Steel Fasteners are distinct and long-lasting due to their many benefits. Although stainless steel fasteners manufacturers know that, even little modifications in the alloy's component parts can significantly alter the electrical and mechanical properties of the component. 4 benefits of Stainless Steel Fasteners: STAINLESS STEEL IS CORROSION-RESISTANT The main selling factor for stainless steel is arguably the fact that it resists corrosion. A thin layer of chromium oxide can be produced on the outer surface of stainless steel due to the material's slightly higher than 10% chromium content. STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS ARE CAPABLE OF SELF-REPAIRING The fastener's thin chromium oxide film uses oxidation as a defence mechanism against oxidation. Pretty astute, no? The oxide coating not only prevents corrosion but also e...